Thursday, May 7, 2015

New water heater regulations now in effect leading them to be bigger and more costly

Changes in hot water heater regulations may cause a routine replacement to become an unexpectedly expensive endeavor. New federal regulations aimed at increasing Energy Factor (EF) ratings, require hot water heaters that are larger, more costly and more environmentally conscious than what is required under current regulations.

With these changes, homeowners will face increases in cost between 15 and 35 percent. The new regulations require a more complicated installation and an increased amount of system parts. The larger size of the new units could create an additional unforeseen expense. Electric hot water heaters larger than 55 gallons (the minimum size for most residential units) will require a minimum of 128 cu. ft. with a duct to a larger space in order to comply with these standards.  For many homeowners, that could lead to a major renovation involving construction and a greater cost.

On a positive note, the savings on your utility bill will be around 25% and most tankless water heaters already meet efficiency standards.

1 comment:

  1. There are two sides that this story presents. But I’m sure the federal regulations are intended to take care of the environment, while keeping citizens satisfied. I’m moved by these new regulations, though they seem a bit tight on us, we still have the responsibility of keeping our environment safe. Thank you for keeping us posted on the matter!

    Lovella Cushman @ Perfection Plumbing
